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Matt & Heather
Matt & Heather
Southeast Asia

name: Matt and Heather

kids: 2! Judson and Josiah

what country do you serve in: Southeast Asia

how many years have you been there: 12!

your job in 2 sentences or less: We run a missional company that does poverty alleviation work in this very poor country. The company is full of young employees, some who are believers, and some who aren’t, and our job is to care for them and introduce them to Jesus as we work together.

favorite book: Culture Making, Andy Crouch

favorite food: mohinga, a fish-based breakfast soup!

what do we love about our ministry: Our company has a very powerful impact on the lives of our employees. It is a great example of the Great Commission, when Jesus says, “As you go, make disciples of all nations!” It is a model that can be followed in any country by any believer in their job!


To learn more or partner: https://www.onow.org/
