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Letters To Cherry Hills

If you'd like to participate by submitting a letter, you may do so here.


Dear Cherry Hills Family,


Our building is positioned in a unique location. Since it borders two cities, our congregation is blessed with a variety of families. This brings a special bond to different groups of people. I especially appreciate the weekly prayers for local ministries. If we are to reach more people with the grace and love of God, we need to ask God to show us how to strengthen our unity with local ministries. May God bless us with strength, peace and protection as we continue to heal more emotionally, mentally, physically and most importantly spiritually until we reach heaven.


Anita Ramsby


Our only hope was released on that amazing day

The day that Jesus rose again and for sin did pay

What joy can be found in that sweet release

Where all our greatest hopes are divinely pleased


Through his suffering, pain and complete sacrifice

We can now join His Kingdom and have true life

It does not take striving or seeking our own way

All it takes, is to accept freely His offer of grace


The hope released is not just for entry to heaven

But to bring freedom and peace as we are living

Causing us to move outside of the prison of self

Changing us deeply so we are driven to others help


Do not resist His Spirit from moving in your heart

Let this hope released, within your life to start

To change the way, you see others on this earth

As possible seekers of truth and of great worth


Let your life and words testify to His love and truth

Praying that the Spirit’s power in their life be loosed

We are called to show truth by our love for one another

Not by our strength, status, wealth or by any other


May this great gift of hope bring you unspeakable peace

So much that others start to seek, this hope released

Into their life and give them a fresh new start

And we all stand before him with a common heart




Early on our dear friend Jenny spoke these words to us "The enemy wants us to isolate, to retreat, to be relegated to the sidelines. But God! His mission for us, His invitation for us never changes. Let's step into all He has for us in life." What better words of encouragement. But God...is there for you! But God...will see you through! But God...never let's go of you! Share with others your "But God" moments. Give praise to God for those moments.




I see God opening doors to ministries where my language and administrative skills could continue to be utilized but in a much more powerful way than I've ever experienced before. He has brought people into my life who have encouraged and empowered me to continue moving forward; to find new ministry opportunities; to reach out to the marginalized Latino people in Mexico and in our own community; To express the agape love of our Savior in a way that penetrates the hearts of men and women with the warmth and caring of our heavenly Father. These godly attributes are freely expressed through my brothers and sisters in Cherry Hills. I know that Paul would have been encouraged with this body of believers on the corner of Chatham and Woodside. What a wonderful God we serve.


Art Caban


May God our Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit strengthen and sustain you, and may your love abound more and more in true knowledge and depth of insight. As we know God and believe Him and understand that He is God alone, may we walk in a manner worthy of Him, pleasing Him in all respects as we abide in Christ, bearing fruit in every good work, encouraging each other daily as Christ's return approaches. We are a covenant family in Christ, so let us hold fast to Him and one another, bearing one another's burdens and so fulfilling the law of Christ, and making every effort not to be conformed to the pattern of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds so that we may keep in step with the Holy Spirit, strengthened with His power to endure steadfastly and patiently. I pray God's best for you as He helps you live lives worthy of His calling and fully know and participate in the Gospel and share it freely with others God brings our way. Rejoice always with joy inexpressible, gives thanks in all circumstances, and pray, pray, pray, for this is God's will for us who are in Christ our Lord. Love in Christ.

Sara Schwarberg


Grace and peace to you. You have been given a tremendous challenge, and you have risen to it. In a time where forces threaten to separate and divide, you have listened to the Lord and surrendered to His wisdom. You have demonstrated great determination and creativity – you continued to gather, even if it wasn’t in the way you preferred. You continued to love and support your brothers and sisters in unique ways. You demonstrated the love of Christ to your community. It may not be as easy to do so now as it was when this trial began, but I encourage you to keep in mind that which unites us at all times – the endless, boundless, saving grace and mercy of our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Go forward in the strength that only He provides. 

Audra Johnson


God told the Jews exiled in Babylon to seek the welfare of the city and to pray to the Lord on its behalf (Jeremiah 29:7).  Hostility to Christians, the Bible, and Jesus are increasing in America.  We need not despair.  Paul's letter gives us hope that this will not be forever.  Jesus is coming back!  Until then, let's actively seek the welfare of our country -- this is where God placed us.  Our country is on a road leading to destruction.  Let's stand in the road and proclaim Jesus and teach and show our fellow countrymen the right way to live and lovingly warn them of the destruction that is to come if America continues down this road.  Let's pray together for the welfare of America and encourage one another to be salt and light where God has placed us.



To the church at Cherry Hills, Pause to praise and pray. 



When I am afraid he comforts me. I’d climb the highest mountain just to be with him. When I’m blinded with darkness he releases it with light. Oh God you are truly mine. Oh God you are truly mine. When I’m blinded with darkness he replaces it with light. Out of the shadows your holy light gleams. It lights my path. Oh Holy light, O holy light. 

Sara Mosher


Cherry Hills, oh how I've pursued you. I have watched you with joy as you have given generously to the poor. When you give to the poor you lend to the Lord and He pays generous dividends. You have spread my gospel across the globe creating disciples. Many have come to Him because of your efforts. There is great joy in heaven because of souls being saved. You are fulfilling the Great Commission. May God continue to bless you as you study and practice His word. However, brace yourself for what is to come. God’s anger burns at the sin in our country. The time is coming when He will separate people as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. Ask the Lord to search your hearts for anything that offends Him. Let nothing block you from seeking the Kingdom of God. Dedicate yourselves to studying the scriptures and prayer. It is important to keep your mind on things above. The ruler of this world wants you to be distracted, instead live with a purpose. The return of the Lord Jesus fast approaches. “So let's not sleepwalk through life like others.” “Let's keep our eyes open and be smart!”

Steve Smith


Let us exalt His name together.  Let’s see to it that none of us has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God.  For we know that those who come to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.  We can trust that all the promises God has made are fulfilled through Jesus Christ. So, whenever we praise Him, we are proclaiming “Amen! We believe You!”  So, let’s shout out our praise!

Carol Diedrichson


Grace and peace to you in our Lord Jesus. Your faith and hope in Christ is known around the world as His light pushes back the darkness. You are chosen in His grace, forgiven through His blood, raised to new life by His resurrection, and empowered by His Holy Spirit. Continue in Him. 

Resist the pressure to conform to this world. Rather, pray continually, that you will walk in the spirit in grace and truth! Be transformed by studying His word, by prayer, and by fellowship with His people, the Church. Reach out to the lost, lonely, the destitute, the despised, and the outcast. Spread Jesus’ love everywhere. This is real worship. 


The grace of Christ Jesus be with you.

Floyd Disney



To my brothers and sisters at Cherry Hills church, how grateful I am for your example of grace, mercy, loving kindness, and community! You have followed the footsteps of Christ steadfastly and faithfully and have ministered to my very soul in your example. It is my prayer to our ever present Father that you would continue to love. That your love will manifest itself in your lives and those around you just as Christ has loved you. My challenge to you would be that you love everyone just as Christ loves you. It is my prayer that you intercede for not only your dear ones in family and faith, but those who despise you and have hate for you also. There is no better changer of hearts than the love of Christ expressed through the presence of the Holy Spirit. What a community is the kingdom of our LORD!  

Will Glovinsky


I love Cherry Hills Church 

Lauren Hoffman


This church is helping our adopted Chinese daughter to see Jesus as her Lord and savior versus Buddha! 

God Bless You. 

The Oziers


Keep your eyes on Jesus.  "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9




Hope is such an interesting thing. Hope is something many of us are often fearful to give our hearts over to, or to fill our hearts with. We’ve all hoped for something and faced  disappointment. Hope  deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12 So it is no wonder that to hope requires much courage and faith. We have all experienced hurt and disappointment in different ways and to different extents. Therefore it is easy and natural to want to try to protect your own heart and to be afraid to hope. I want to encourage you to fear not! But this I call to mind and therefore I have hope. The steadfast love of the lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness .Lam 3:22-23

The lord is my portion says my soul; therefore I will hope in him.”



Though I know this last year has had tremendous challenges (for me as well), I praise God for your desire to stay strong in the Lord and continue to pursue life together with Jesus, one another and our community and world. There is no doubt that church will never be the same after this pandemic, but one thing remains the same: Jesus Christ, the head of the church, the Alpha and Omega, the hope of the world. So, as we step into this next season of the unknown, let us set aside the things that might divide and distract us, and remember our mission: to give ourselves fully to Jesus and His desire for us to be salt and light in this community. I pray you know His love, grace and hope in new ways.

Steve Patzia


One of the best ways to hope in God in the present and future is to look at His faithfulness in the past. God has always been faithful for over 100 years. The people who founded our church committed themselves to be a group of people “who exist to give ourselves wholly to Him, covenant with one another to walk together, and to train up all those who at any time may be in our church family.” We continue that legacy today and have the opportunity to live the way of Jesus and bring love, compassion, mercy, hope and healing to a broken community and world. Cherry Hills, you exist for such a time as this.

Brian Schwarberg


First, I want to thank you for showing me what it means to do “life together” through the joys and challenges that greet us every day. It’s impossible to ignore that sin has ravaged our world- war, famine, genocide, slavery, neighbor pitted against neighbor - all birthed from sin. We know this truth: “In this world you will have trouble.” But don’t miss the words of hope Jesus spoke next. “But take heart! I have overcome the world.” So LIVE NOW with the hope you have in Jesus on display. Be anxious for nothing, but be urgent in this because we are not promised tomorrow. Join God in the work he has called you to. Tie the towel around your waste and be a servant. Make love the filter for the words you speak to your neighbors and inside your homes. God has worked in and through the people of this church family for over a century, but His work is not done. In fact, the best is yet to come!

Jessica Schildman


Before your moment of conception – God was weaving you together. No one else in all of history has your same genetic code. You wake up each day, given the same 24 hours as everyone else, and go about the work of your hands. Each second matters. Each minute matters. The days turn into weeks, and months and years – but the sum total of that equals – your life. Your God-given, unique-to-you, set of values, desires, attitudes, talents, relationships, play out on the stage before you that is – your life. In Christ – you are found, defined, hidden & loved. In Christ – you have purpose, peace, joy, pleasure. In Christ – you have been set in a family. This family needs -your life. No one else has it – but you. Something is missing if you don’t bring it. Jesus is worth it

Jenny Elliott


Rest, peace, grace, and assurance in the Lord to you. There is Kingdom work happening in central IL and beyond that you know nothing about that is the ripple effect of your faithful pursuit of Jesus. You were planted as a body of believers over 100 years ago to exist as a people of God who are authentic, honest, generous and kind. A people whose simple pursuit of and abiding in Jesus day after day and month after month and year after year would yield a harvest of hope and healing among all different kinds of people. Though you face difficult circumstances, I promise you have everything you need to live out the mission and vision God has given you. Remain humble and teachable as you reflect God’s kingdom each day. He will be with you.

Chuck Bosworth


Remember to push forward through this period. Even amidst our culture God is still working in big ways and he will continue to work through you and will continue to work after you. There is nothing that will stop the continuation of the mission of God. The Kingdom will advance in one way or another because of the mission God has given to the church. Stand firm in that mission and continue through this season. We are called to reach Chatham, Springfield, Rochester, Auburn, Williamsville, Sherman, Pleasant Plains, and the many other local towns. We are called to reach out and spread the hope of Jesus to them. So let us continue to do so with love and sincerity amidst this season.

Kamden Trummel


Many of us feel the division and heaviness of the times we are living in. The world seems to grow further from God and His truth, but we are called to be a light in these dark times. Our world needs the hope that we have found through a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. We have the opportunity to spread joy, truth, and light in our community and beyond. To teach our young people the truth of creation and God’s love for them. Let us remember Jesus’ words in Matthew 28:19-20: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” God our father has not changed, and neither has our mission. Much love to you, friends!

Heather Cremeens


What a gift is it to do life and ministry alongside you. Over the years I have been at Cherry Hills, I have, time and time again, been both overwhelmed and encouraged by the faith, love, and generosity of our church body. I encourage you to remember who you are and where you come from. You are a steady presence and reminder of Jesus in the city of Springfield (and surrounding!). As we continue what has been a difficult season for many people inside and outside of our church family, I encourage you to take heart, my friends, for Jesus goes before you, he is behind you, and he is with you. He will not leave you in times of trouble. May we run together with perseverance this race marked before us.

Jenni Johnson


You have a legacy in this community – don’t ever forget that! You stand on the shoulders of ordinary people that got things right a lot and got things wrong from time to time. Remember to trust Jesus with every step. These days may seem harder now than ever, but as scripture continually reminds us – our God WILL fight for us! Pursuing life together will not always be easy, but it will be worth it!

Sue Cooper


I give thanks to God for each of you for your steadfast hope in the Lord and the love you show to one another and our community. Your hunger to know God’s Word and live authentic lives of faith makes a difference for the kingdom of God not only here in central Illinois but around the world. Remember that your work for the kingdom is not in vain. Your commitment to bring up the next generation and send them out to do kingdom work is producing much fruit. I urge you to remain steadfast in your faith and to continue loving the Lord with all your heart. He who called you is faithful to keep you until the day of his appearing. May you know the empowering of His Spirit as you continue to live out your faith in Jesus.

Michelle Struck


Grace to you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I am grateful to God for your generous and encouraging hearts, and for your hunger to know the faith handed down to you. I thank God for your kindness toward me and the mutual love we share together on account of our fellowship in the Spirit. Since the days of the apostles the Spirit of God has been building His church and is now forming us into the likeness of Christ, in whom we are all being knit together. I urge you to practice peace in all your speech and manifest the humility, wisdom, and love of our Teacher as we navigate complex times. You belong to the age to come, and through you the presence of Jesus is seen, until he returns. Do not be lulled to sleep by the desires of this age, but be fervent in prayer, eager to learn, and quick to repent. In this you bring me joy and make known the truth of the gospel, on account of which we give glory to God now and forever. Amen.

Luke Martin


Grace and peace to you as we seek to grow deeper in our relationships to God and to each other. We are so encouraged by the way you each love and care for others, both in our church family and in the community. There are so many examples of how you walk with others on the mountain top and in the deepest valleys. Please know that we see you and we cheer you on as you display your faith by being the hands and feet of Jesus. Your humility, kindness, and hearts to serve do not go unnoticed. We pray for strength and perseverance for each of you as you continue to grow in relationship with others, even when it is difficult or uncomfortable. Let your love continue to be a beacon of light in our community.

Jen House


You are not alone. God is not surprised by the challenges we face, and He has not forsaken us. The truth is that we often grow in times of difficulty. We have an opportunity to evaluate, make changes and move toward God and where he is at work. We have an opportunity to show others Christ’s love in simple acts of kindness, looking someone in the eye, and listening intently. We have an opportunity to show others in this time God has granted us, to stand firm in the hope and confidence that God is faithful. Let us be prepared for what God would have us do.

Cindy Gorell


Gallery Wall Living Letter


Beloved family, 


Many of us feel the division and heaviness of the times we are living in. Yet our father has not changed,

and neither has our mission, to give ourselves fully to Jesus. Its In Christ you are found, defined, hidden & loved.

It’s In Christ you have purpose, peace, and joy. You have everything you need to live out the mission and vision God has given you. Pursuing life together will not always be easy, but it is worth it! Cherry Hills, you exist for such a time as this. So Do not be lulled to sleep by the desires of this age, but be fervent in prayer, eager to learn, and quick to repent. We see you and we cheer you on!

Week 1


You are not alone. God has gathered you together as His church, beautifully & Faithfully for over 100 years.

How grateful I am for your example of grace, mercy, loving kindness, & community! In this season We have all experienced hurt & disappointment. Therefore it is easy & natural to want to try to protect our own hearts and to be afraid to hope. Cherry Hills, fear not! “The steadfast love of the lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning.” Lam 3:22-23

Week 2


Brothers & Sisters,

You have been given a tremendous challenge, & you have risen to it. I praise God for your desire to stay strong

in the Lord. He is still working in big ways. So let’s  Keep our eyes on Jesus."Be strong & courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 Let’s pray continually, that we will walk in the spirit, in grace & truth! Whenever we praise Him, let’s shout out our praise! for the best is yet to come!


Week 3


Rest, peace, grace, & assurance in the Lord to you. I am grateful to God for your generous& encouraging hearts, &  for your hunger to know the faith handed down to you. Let's pray together & encourage one another to be salt& light where God has placed us.We cantrust that all the promises God has made are fulfilled through Jesus Christ. So as we go out & love others, we go in the strength that only He provides. May you know the empowering of His Spirit 

as you continue to live out your faith in Jesus.  

Week 4



Cherry Hills, 

May God our Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, & the Holy Spirit strengthen & sustain you, & may your love abound. When you reach out to the lost, lonely, the destitute, the despised, & the outcast you are demonstrating the love of Christ to your community. There is no better changer of hearts than the love of Christ expressed through the presence of the Holy Spirit. There is Kingdom work happening in central IL, so Let’s run together with perseverance this race marked before us.

Week  5


Grace to you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It ismy prayer to our ever present Father that you would continue to love. There is great joy in heaven as You work to fulfill the Great Commission. Remember You are a door of hope for many and have touched many lives through your commitment to love one another. Resist the pressure to conform to this world and remember to Pause to praise and to pray. For God is with you always.


Week 6