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worship arts/student ministry
Mason Garner
worship arts/student ministry
family: I have 8 siblings Nyah (21), Lily (20), Elijah (18), Selah (16), Willow (13), Haven (11), Esther (9), and Sarita (6)!  Plus my two lovely parents.
your job in 10 words or less: Leading students through their development of worship arts skills.
favorite book or verse of the Bible: I love Proverbs and my go to verse is Proverbs 16:3.
on a day off, I’m most likely to be…: Playing video games, reading, or shooting hoops with some buddies.
favorite book/tv show: The Office is one of my favorite shows ever. I don’t have a favorite book right  now but I’m

loving Leo Tolstoy!

favorite local restaurant: I love myself some Luca pizza.
this summer I’m excited for…: Being able to be a part of a team that works towards worshipping Christ through music.