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serving opportunities

Serve With Us

If you are looking for a way to serve at Cherry Hills, we'd love to hear from you!


Please pick only 1 or 2 options below (no need to click on an area where you are already serving):

first impressions

serve as a greeter, at the resource center, or in the coffee area

worship arts

Greatest needs are in the following: male vocals, drums, guitar, sound board, choir, keys, visual arts and spoken word.

hospitatlity team

Assist on the following teams: baptism, funeral meals, meals for those in need, event help, behind the scenes things like cleaning, and helping to organize and stock the pantry.

early childhood

Serving areas are: faith buddies (aid for kids with special needs), guest services on Sunday mornings, and paid childcare for Tuesday & Wednesday nights.


Serving areas are: faith buddies (aid for kids with special needs), guest services on Sunday mornings, and paid childcare for Tuesday & Wednesday nights.

middle school

Serving areas include: cafe team (Wednesday nights) and small group leader (Wednesday nights)

high school

Serving areas include: small group leader (Sunday nights)

local outreach

Areas to serve are: prayer team for mission partners, event help (fall festival, CSF furniture giveaway), homeless street outreach, shopper for outreach events, and craftsmanship/working with your hands.

grounds crew

Help on the landscaping team or mowing team.

care team

Serve on any of these teams: call team, card team, visitation team or helping hands.

prayer team

sunday service intercession and weekly intercession

If you are wanting to serve, but not sure where, let us know if you would you like to speak with one of our staff for a serve consultation! You can email us!