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Thanks for taking the first step in learning more about baptism. We hope the following information answers some of your questions.


Baptism is one of the most significant acts in the life of a follower of Jesus. Baptism is the public declaration that you have entered into a relationship with Jesus and trust Him with your life. You join the historical community of believers who receive Him as Savior and let Him be Lord of your life. This symbolic act has been practiced for 2,000 years.


NOTE: Baptism by immersion is a required step to become a member at Cherry Hills. To learn more listen to the January 27, 2019 message.


I'm ready to be baptized


Contact Chad Reeser.

some commonly asked questions about baptism
what if I was baptized as an infant?
what is believers’ baptism?
what’s baptism by immersion?
why do we baptize by immersion?
is baptism a command or a suggestion?