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Lead Pastor-Teaching & Leadership/Elder
Steve Patzia
Lead Pastor-Teaching & Leadership/Elder

year started at Cherry Hills: 2002


family: Wife - Peggy, Kids - Kiersten & Will


your job in 10 words or less: I serve in preaching and leadership roles for our church family.


favorite book or verse of the bible: Daniel 1:8 -- But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way.


on a day off, I am most likely to be...: playing golf, riding my bike, spending time with family, yard work, taking a nap.


favorite book/tv show/magazine: Mere Christianity, The Cross of Christ, In the Name of Jesus, The Way of Kings, Dawn of Wonder, The Unseen Realm


favorite local restaurant: Happy Sushi


what do you love about your job? I have the privilege of teaching God's Word in a way that is hopefully not just informational, but transformational. I also love that we work in collaboration!
