tech director
year started at cherry hills: 2014
family: Wife, Emily, 3 adult daughters (Haley, Kaylee and Claire), and 5 dogs (Zoey, Trixie, Dixie, Jack, and Henry)
your job in 10 words or less: Oversee audio elements for services/church functions and play bass
favorite book or verse of the bible: Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see - Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)
on a day off, i am most likely to be...: Walking a dog, building something, boating, playing music, and spending time with my family.
favorite book/tv show/magazine: Survivor
favorite local restaurant: I really like Nesty’s in Rochester right now.
what do you love about your job? Creating a space to worship our creator with such amazing people. And playing bass!