year started at cherry hills: Attending: 2004. Part-time Staff: 2006 Fulltime Staff: 2009
family: Wife – Lisa. Kids – Addison, Brady & Bryce
your job in 10 words or less: To raise up a community of worshippers through the creation of authentic gatherings
favorite book or verse of the bible: Viewing the entire Bible as one story has transformed me and encouraged me deeply.
on a day off, i am most likely to be...: Spending time with family or friends…hopefully on some grand adventure.
favorite book/tv show/magazine: Most recently: Mark Buchanan’s The Rest of God & Jon Tyson’s Creative Minority. Chef’s Table is pretty great. The podcast This Cultural Moment has helped me tremendously.
favorite local restaurant: Obed & Isaac’s
what do you love about your job? I love the creative process. I love collaborating with others on creative projects. I love the people I get to do life with in community.