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Paul & Queenie Rollet
Paul & Queenie Rollet

what country do you serve in?: Philippines

how many years have you been there?: 11 years your job in 2 sentences or less: We serve with Companion With the Poor, a community learning to journey with each other and Jesus among the poor. We plant holistic churches among the urban poor in the Philippines.

favorite book: "Journeying With the Poor" by Raineer Chu

favorite food from the country you serve in: Chicken Adobo

what do you love about your ministry?: We love the people we get to work with each day. We laugh together, cry together, and help carry each others burdens. But most importantly we get to seek Jesus and His Kingdom together. There is nothing greater than this!


To learn more or partner: https://www.internationalministries.org/author/p-rollet/
