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  • women’s bible study class - 11am – office conference room. Leader: Kay Titchenal. This community of women engages in various studies of the biblical text and culture. This class welcomes new participants of any age or stage of life.


  • women's bible study - 12:30-2:30pm - meets at Cherry Hills - Leader: Christie Davis. Study is: Jude by Jackie Hill Perry (purchase study guide on your own). This group begins on September 17. Register HERE.


  • mom's group - 9:15-11am - meets at Cherry Hills - Leaders: Jen DeBackere and Tara Downs. This group is studying the book Habits of the Household by Justin Whitmel Earley (purchase study on your own). Childcare is available for $20/family for the full session. Group meets from September 4-December 11. Register HERE for the fall. NOTE: To try out this group, you do NOT need to purchase a book - we would love for you to pop in! Shoot us an email if you plan to come so we can prepare for your little ones (chc@cherryhillsfamily.org).


  • women's group - 9:30-11:30am – meets at Cherry Hills - Leader: Linda Sczurko. Study: Discerning the Voice of God by Prischilla Shirer. Study begins on September 12, and book must be purchased on your own. Register HERE.
  • women's group - 6-7:30pm – meets at Cherry Hills - Leader: Monique Davis. Study: No Other Gods by Kelly Minter. Study takes place from September 19-November 7, and book must be purchased on your own. Register HERE.


  • revelation wellness for women - meets in our gym at the student building. Revelation Wellness is a ministry for women that uses fitness as a tool to spread the love of Jesus. Classes are offered weekly (check schedule on Facebook). To see updates, please visit the Facebook page at Revelation Wellness 217

Classes for Women and Men


  • essentials class - 9:30am - hospitality room. Leaders: Luke Martin and Jenny Elliott. We all have stories. In fact, we’re all living a story, right now! God has a story too. Essentials is an 8 week class designed to help us see how God’s story and our stories overlap, and how we can not just know, but learn to live a better story. Register HERE.
  • kingdom builders class - 9:30am – Student Building Cafe. Leaders: Floyd Disney and Wayne Langhein. Age 50+ but all are welcome! Join anytime. Email Jen@cherryhillsfamily.org for information.
  • cross walk - 9:30am - student ministry building cafe. Class begins on September 22. Leader: Dennis Mumaw.


  • institute class - formation - 6-8pm - meets at Cherry Hills - Leader: Chuck Bosworth. Equips people to build a practical rule of life around the way of Jesus in order to better live on mission and see Kingdom renewal in our communities and in our time. Cost: $40 per person; childcare available for $20 per family (scholarships available). Register HERE. Group begins September 10.
  • institute class - theology - 6-8pm - meets at Cherry Hills - Leader: Luke Martin. Explores foundational Christian doctrine with the Apostles' Creed as a touchstone. Cost: $40 per person; childcare available for $20 per family (scholarships available). Register HERE. Class begins September 10.
  • care group: anxiety & depression - 6-7:30pm - meets at Cherry Hills - worship center - Leader: Audra Johnson. A group designed for those experiencing depression and/or anxiety who want a safe space to share and learn from one another and God's Word. Register HERE. Class begins September 10.


  • emotionally healthy spirituality - 6-8pm - meets at Cherry Hills - Leader: Brian Schwarberg. It is not possible to be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature. In this 8-week course we’ll slow down and develop our relationship with Jesus in order to know and become our authentic selves in Christ. Please note: significant amount of time in class will be spent in table discussions, requiring vulnerability and authenticity. Cost is $30/person; childcare available for $20 per family (scholarships available). Register HERE. Class begins September 11.
  • worship choir - 6:45-8pm – meets at Cherry Hills - Director: Eric Hendrickson. The fall season for the worship choir kicks off with a first rehearsal on September 11! Choir is open to anyone high school age and beyond who has a vocal background and/or feels comfortable matching pitch and making music. Register HERE. If you have additional questions, email Michelle Struck (michelles@cherryhillsfamily.org). 


  • decade 20 | emerging adults gathering - 7-9pm - meets at the CH student building the first Thursday of each month - Leader: Luke Martin. Each month anyone 18-29 can hang out and discuss teaching focused on this stage of life. On the remaining Thursdays of the month the group meets in home for community, hosted by Ryan and Emily Pate. For more info email luke@cherryhillsfamily.org and check out the emerging adults page HERE.


  • care group: grief share - 10am-noon - meets at Cherry Hills - Leaders: Gil Moorman and Linda Sczurko. Grief Share is a caring group from the Cherry Hills family who will walk alongside you as you process the loss of a loved one. It is a 13-week video-based support group that involves advice from experts on grief recovery. Group meets from August 31-November 23. Register HERE.

Ongoing Opportunities:

life groups

Life groups are focused on community and connection and use the weekly message as the focus of deeper discussion. They meet in homes and at the church at different times during the week. If you are interested in joining a life group, please email Jen House (jen@cherryhillsfamily.org).
mugs & muffins
Are you looking for a way to connect with other women in a less structured way? We invite you to join us at the student building on Saturday, October 26 from 9:30-11am. Bring your favorite mug and be ready to share it with your table! If you need childcare, sign up HERE, otherwise bring a friend and show up!

older kids club

OK Club is older kids getting together once a month enjoying a potluck luncheon, great food,  a speaker or other entertainment, and fellowship.  All seniors and friends are invited to join us on the second Friday of each month at Cherry Hills in rooms 201-203. Potluck starts at noon with program starting at approximately 12:45.

koinonia monthly gathering

Whether you’ve been single for a long time, recently lost a spouse, or are on the other side of divorce – we hope you feel welcome. Our vision is to gather together in a comfortable, non-threatening atmosphere for laughter, community and encouragement. This group is for those without companions ages 50+ meeting the second Friday of each month at 6pm in our Student Building.


Email Jen@cherryhillsfamily.org.