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This week we come to the letter “A” in our acronym P.R.A.Y. which stands for “Ask”. Our Father in heaven wants us to ask Him for the things we need. Our relationship with God grows as we come in need to a Father who longs to give us good gifts. This week, we will practice “asking” together by creating and maintaining a prayer list. A prayer list not only helps us focus our intention to pray but also allows us to see and celebrate the answers to our prayer. We invite you to join us this week as our church family practices life together through the creation and maintaining of a prayer list.


  1. Continue practicing what we’ve already covered in the previous weeks. Here is a brief recap of those steps. Feel free to review the previous steps more fully by visiting previous week’s practices.
    1. Find a “thin place” to spend time with the Lord. Is there a specific place where you can sense His presence?
    2. Take at least 2 minutes to sit silently and breathe. Sit comfortably without doing anything for a few moments. (we learned this practice last week)
    3. Move into a centering prayer. If you’ve never practiced centering prayer before, it’s an ancient prayer that followers of Christ have practiced for centuries. Simply begin to repeat a verse in the Bible or a short one sentence prayer that is in time with your breathing.
    4. Take a minute to acknowledge God. Recognize Him as Father. Recognize His immanence, and compassion, His grace and love. Recognize His transcendence, His majesty, His splendor and glory. Remember who it is that you have the privilege to meet with, that the Sovereign God of all creation longs to be with us.
  2. Create a prayer list.
    1. Write each day of the week on a page in a journal.
    2. Ask the Lord what your prayer focus should be for each day and write down the focus under each day. (ie. Your prayer focus on Monday might be tasks or assignments in which you are involved) Some other examples of prayer focus for each day could be Vocational/Work, a family member, a wider family member or friend, leaders, missionaries, those who don’t know Jesus, cities/regions/nations, churches in the area, etc.
    3. Each day this week pray for the specific focus for that particular day. If your focus on Monday is the tasks or assignments you working on, tell the Father about your needs in these areas and ask Him to help you. Write your requests down each day.
    4. On Saturday, review your week of prayer requests and reflect on how God worked in your life or in the lives of those you prayed for.

