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The Practice of Yielding


You can find previous prayer practices we have been participating in together through this series on our weekly practice page. If you are just joining us, we encourage you to begin with week 1 and find a time and place.


This week, as a church family, we are using the prayer of Examen as a way to practice yielding to God. Life moves at such a fast pace, we can often fail to yield simply because we’re in a rush to get to the next thing on our agenda. The prayer of Examen, an ancient prayer made popular by Ignatius of Loyola in the 16th century, continues to be a helpful tool that allows us the opportunity to pause, see what we may have missed throughout the day, and practice saying yes to God as the Spirit leads us.


The Prayer of Examen


The prayer of Examen can be practiced in four simple steps.


Replay - Before you get into bed and turn off the lights, take 3-5 minutes to reflect on the day. Ask the Lord, “What did you think about our day together? Is there something you want me to notice?” Reflect on each portion of the day with Him.

Rejoice - Rejoice in all that happened this day. We often have a tendency to focus on the negative. Thank God for small and large gifts, praise Him for break through or answered prayer and simply notice any pleasant surprises. 

Repent - Repent of all wrong actions, attitudes, words and thoughts that come to mind. As you reflect, the Spirit of God may bring to mind some moments you said “yes” more to your own wants than to His. This is part of being human. Acknowledge these moments to the Lord, naming them aloud or in silent prayer. Be willing to make restitution with others and repair anything that needs reparation.

Reboot - Practice rebooting by receiving fresh grace to glorify God. As we prepare to rest by sleeping for an extended period of time, we ask God to reset our heart’s to receive God’s mercy afresh in the morning. What a gift that His mercies are new every day. Rebooting helps us not to miss the invitation of His grace.

